The Essentials of the New Society: lessons from the Covid-19 pandemic situation

The International Seminar on Trends of Technology on the Society

Date : 25 Juni 2020
Time : 13:00-18:00
Theme : ” The Essentials of the New Society: lessons from the
Covid-19 pandemic situation”

Hosted By:
1. International Institute of Applied Informatics – IIAI Japan
2. The Advanced Institute of Industrial Technology – AIIT Japan
3. Doctor of Computer Science Binus University
4. IEEE Computer Society Indonesia Chapter
5. Research Interest Group Intelligent System – Binus University

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1. Agung Trisetyarso, Ph,.D (Doctor of Computer Science Binus University)
2. Prof Tokuro (Service Science) IIAI – International Institute of
Applied Informatics & The Advanced Institute of Industrial Technology
– Japan
3. Prof Kiyota Hashimoto – IIAI – International Institute of Applied
Informatics & (Prince Songkla University – Thailand),
4. Dr. Rahmad Dawood (IEEE Indonesia Computer Chapter)

Moderator : Spits Warnars Harco Leslie Hendric, Ph.D