Integrated Media Solutions
Judul acara: The New Paradigm on Higher Education : Learning from Post Pandemic Covid-19
Jam: 09.00-12.30 WIB
Pembicara: 1. Dr Ford Lumban Gaol , Ph,.D (Doctor of Computer Science Binus University), 2. Prof. Tokuro (Service Science) IIAI – International Institute of Applied Informatics & The Advanced Institute of Industrial Technology
– Japan, 3. Prof .Kiyota Hashimoto – IIAI (International Institute of Applied Informatics) & Prince Songkla University – Thailand), 4. Dr. Iwan Setiawan (IEEE Indonesia Computer Chapter)
09.30 – 11.30 AM
How to Publish your paper globally with Emerald?
Speaker: Irwan Sukardi (Business Manager)
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