
The Third Conference on Digital Humanities ( CoDH, 2024)

By English BINUS

The purpose of this conference is to bring together scholars, researchers and representatives in digital humanities and discuss issues and ideas related to their influence on aspects of human culture, with an emphasis on digital methods and trends and practices in digital culture and how to integrate them in education technique. We aim to facilitate a platform where scholars, researchers, and practitioners from diverse backgrounds can exchange ideas and insights on the intersection of technology and humanistic inquiry. Through keynote presentations, panel discussions, and interactive workshops, attendees will have the opportunity to engage in thought-provoking conversations and forge meaningful connections that transcend disciplinary boundaries.

Another key objective of our conference is to catalyze the formation of an association for Indonesian Digital Humanities researchers, academicians, and practitioners. By bringing together individuals with a shared interest in leveraging digital technologies to explore Indonesia’s rich cultural heritage and address its unique societal challenges, we aim to establish a collaborative network that promotes knowledge exchange, capacity building, and collective action.

Organized By

English BINUS

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